Senior Spotlight: Madison Logan
As we say get ready to say goodbye to another UNC semester, some of our beloved student staff are preparing for their own important goodbyes as they graduate from Carolina this May. One of these students is senior Madison Logan, the Morrison Art Studio student coordinator behind projects such as the Art Pen Pals. Madison has been with Arts Everywhere since her first year of college and has been an absolute bright light of passion and positivity throughout these past four years. We wanted to dedicate a space for her to talk about what it’s been like working here, and where we could also celebrate her and her achievements. Thank you for all you’ve done for Arts Everywhere Madison! Although your bubbliness will be sorely missed in our team meetings, we cannot wait for you to share that joy with others on your next adventure.
Questions for Madison

When did you join the Arts Everywhere team?
I joined the team straight into my freshman year of college (2017!).
What do you remember from that first year? Best memory from then?
I remember being so excited to be introduced to everything new! It was like opening a whole new world! My favorite memory from then was planning my first campus event: the Arts Everywhere Day fashion exhibit. It was so silly and fun, and to this day I’m still proud of how cute it turned out. (Though so many people said the mannequins we used were creepy.)
Favorite memory with Arts Everywhere?
I can’t possibly pick one! Honestly, I have so many fond memories of the excitement on Arts Everywhere Day and just seeing how happy people were! I think if I could compile all that joy into one memory, that would be it.

What’s been your favorite moment working as the Morrison Art Studio student coordinator?
Event planning! Ah it’s so fun, especially when the end product finally comes together and you get to see people enjoy the event you planned. It brings me so much joy.
What’s been the most rewarding part about working with the MAS?
I would have to say, watching people rediscover their artistic sense, or get a chance to explore it after not being able to for so long. So many people would say stuff like: “this is the first time I’ve had a chance to paint since middle school or like high school.” It was just so awesome to offer them the opportunity to get back to the arts and dive back into their creativity!

How have your duties changed throughout working here?
At first I was just a little trainee, so nervous and just figuring out my way (like most freshmen). Now I think I have a lot more responsibility, in terms of how events go, and how they pan out–so it’s like my role expanded from just this one corner to a whole room almost.
What advice do you have for incoming students (arts or non-arts related)?
Do what makes you happy! Do it, even if it scares you! Also jump out of your comfort zone, you will honestly not regret it.

What are your post-graduation plans?
I am planning on traveling tons, and perhaps learning a new language!
How do you think you’ll keep the arts in your life after working at Arts Everywhere?
I’ve been actually thinking about this a lot, and I think I’ll try to share the “arts everywhere” spirit in the new places I go. Working with this organization, I realized that arts really can be everywhere, and that their presence does make a huge, impactful difference in our lives. Whether its having pianos installed in a public place, or suggesting a mural for a empty wall to the town, I plan to continue to advocate to put the arts everywhere! 😀

Speed Round
Favorite color: reddddd!! I absolutely loveee the color red <3
Favorite baked good: Hmmm… this is so hard!! I don’t really have a specific one, but right now I’m really craving a good cream cheese Danish pastry.
First place you want to travel to after the pandemic: France or Haiti or Senegal so I can practice my French :P. Or maybe South Africa! I have a list and still haven’t picked a top choice 🙁
Favorite TV show and movie: Ohh, so there is this one show I absolutely love, it’s a Spanish telenovela called “Gran Hotel.” Best show ever! Definitely watch it if you have time! Oh and I don’t really have a favorite movie…? If I had to pick something, I’d maybe say Fiddler on the Roof or the Prince of Egypt (I was obsessed with this movie as a kid LOL, so memories :P).
3 favorite German words/phrases: Hmmm… two of them are not school friendly ahahah so I’ll choose some others! I would maybe say, Schadenfreude, Wanderlust, and Kummerspeck.
What Morrison Art Studio event are you most proud of?: The glow in the dark paint event! Omg that was so much fun, and it looked amazing! Definitely one I’ll never forget ;D.
Favorite Arts Everywhere Day installation/ event? Oh man I have so many! The one I thought of right now though was the Capoeira dancers on the quad! That was so cool to watch!
Favorite dad joke: How do you find Will Smith in a snowstorm? You look for fresh prints.
All photos courtesy of Madison Logan