The Morrison Art Studio, a groundbreaking space located on the bottom floor of Morrison Residence Hall, provides students and all members of the campus community an opportunity to unleash their inner artist. The first of its kind, the Morrison Art Studio was created in 2018 in partnership with Carolina Housing, the Department of Art and Art History, and Arts Everywhere. These three partners envisioned a space where, at students’ doorsteps, creative potential can be unleashed.
The studio features free use of all the supplies you’ll need for painting and drawing and an MFA artist-in-residence who serves as a resource to all visitors. A quick orientation gives all UNC students, faculty, and staff the freedom to learn, explore, and create at their own pace in a studio that is entirely theirs.
Supported by the Office of the Chancellor, the Morrison Art Studio reflects a mission that is paramount to all three partners: embedding the arts into the daily life at Carolina through programs and collaborations that encourage artistic expression, experience, and learning.