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Musical Performance: Dutch Keyboard and Viol Music

October 8, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Chapel of the Cross


Join us at Chapel of the Cross (304 E. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill) for a special performance of music from the Dutch Golden Age, presented in connection with the Ackland’s current exhibition Drawn to Life: Master Drawings from the Age of Rembrandt in the Peck Collection at the Ackland Art MuseumJoseph Causby (organ, harpsichord), Brent Wissick (bass viol), and the UNC Consort of Viols will perform music by Sweelinck, Schenk, Schop, and more.

Following the performance, exhibition curator Dana Cowen will lead a tour of Drawn to Life for concert-goers at the Ackland Art Museum at 3:30 p.m.

Free and open to the public.

Tickets and More Information

Chapel of the Cross
304 E Franklin St
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 United States