
Feedback Now: A Case Study for Engaging Artists and Publics in Scholarly Communities
About Feedback: In fall 2020, Carolina Performing Arts began hosting Feedback: The Institute for Performance, a series of virtual arts courses created by and for Triangle-area community. Inspired by CPA/Mellon Foundation Creative Futures artist Okwui Okpokwasili, who has said that her work aims “to generate a kind of radical intimacy…an empathy, an empathetic stream, an empathic feedback loop,” these public-serving courses underscore the necessity of reciprocal dialogue and space for the resonance of ideas. Led by renowned CPA artist collaborators and guests, participants in Feedback courses will explore concepts related to feedback and its importance to performance, no matter the form. This panel will use Feedback: The Institute for Performance as a case study to explore how performing arts institutions can bring together multiple stakeholders in conversation, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration between artists and scholars, and use the concept of “invitation” as a means of engaging with the urgent issues of our times.
The Humanities for the Public Good Initiative brings together students, artists, scholars, cultural practitioners, and people interested in using humanistic knowledge to forward publicly engaged scholarship, across four days Tuesday, April 6th through Friday, April 9th, 2021.
All events are free, open to the public and virtual. See the full schedule here.