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David Neumann and Marcella Murray for Advanced Beginner Group: Distances Smaller Than This Are Not Confirmed

November 19, 2022
8:00 pm
CURRENT ArtSpace + Studio
$10 – $15


Together on the set of a TV talk show, co-creators and Southern Futures at CPA Artists-in-Residence David Neumann and Marcella Murray perform a masterfully layered staged conversation by mixing parts of Charlie Rose’s 2000 interview with Octavia Butler with excerpts of their own years-long dialogue about race, alongside astronomical questions of scale and time, to make an unforgettable piece of devised theater. On a spaceship. With dances.

Tickets and More Information

CURRENT ArtSpace + Studio, CPA’s immersive arts venue and studio space, opened to the public in February 2018. Located in the new Carolina Square mixed-use development on Franklin Street in downtown Chapel Hill, CURRENT connects campus and community via the arts.

CURRENT ArtSpace + Studio
123 W. Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27516 United States

Website: https://www.carolinaperformingarts.org
Email: carolinaperformingarts@unc.edu