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Hanes Visiting Artist Lecture Series: Donald Lipski

February 3, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Registration Link (available until start of event): https://unc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrceCvrT8tGNTvQJ8IMYBgg59lOpU_1i-y  

Donald Lipski is a sculptor known for his poetic combining and altering of existing things and for his enigmatic installation works.  Since coming to prominence with his Museum of Modern Art installation Gathering Dust in 1979—thousands of tiny sculptures pinned to the walls—his work has been shown in galleries and museums around the world. He is represented in the permanent collections of dozens of museums, including The Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe Whitney Museum of American ArtThe Menil Collection, and The Chicago Art Institute.  He has been written about extensively and is included in the college text The History of Modern Art, by H. H. Arneson.