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Atmospheric Memory By Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

December 2, 2021
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Memorial Hall


Experience a unique, immersive art environment where you control interactive artworks while surrounded with light, sound, and colossal projections.

Inspired by computing pioneer Charles Babbage’s proposal that the atmosphere is a ‘vast library’ recording everything we say, Atmospheric Memory invites visitors to listen to the turbulent voices in the medium where we live, the atmosphere: invisible but precious, filled with echoes and sounds from the past.

Tickets and More Information

The Memorial Hall Box Office is the home of our Ticket Services team. The Box Office is located at the northwest corner of Memorial Hall on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.

Memorial Hall
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
114 E Cameron Ave
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 United States

Website: https://www.carolinaperformingarts.org
Email: carolinaperformingarts@unc.edu
Fax: 919.843.2012